OpenID logo Poidsy A PHP OpenID Consumer


Poidsy is a set of PHP scripts that serve as an OpenID consumer. OpenID consumers allow users to authenticate themselves with an OpenID identifier. For more information about OpenID, see

At the time of writing, there were several consumer "libraries" available for PHP developers. From what I saw of them, they all exposed far too much of the OpenID logic to the implementor for my liking — you pretty much needed to build your own consumer using their libraries, rather than simply using a pre-made one.

Use it

The current version of Poidsy is 0.6. At this stage, Poidsy has support for both OpenID 1.x and 2.x, as well as a couple of extensions to those. If you encounter any providers that do not work with Poidsy, please contact me.

You can download the consumer here: poidsy-0.6.tgz (18KB) | Changelog

Instructions for integrating Poidsy with an existing login script are available.


If you're using Poidsy (or are trying to but are having problems) then I'd love to hear from you. My contact details can be found on my personal website.


The following sites allow OpenID authentication using Poidsy:

* via a third-party sso service